Friday 25 July 2014

Things that get Lost in the Night

Nights in the Letkeman home have been more eventful and less restful since Aviannah joined our family. But I think last night wins for most eventful yet!

In case you didn't know, I do strange things in my sleep sometime. Often my dreams get blurred with reality and I'm not able to determine which is which. Like the time I dreamt I wasn't wearing pajama pants and I woke up to myself tearing apart my dresser looking for my pants. Or the times (happened more then once) that I woke up and freaked out because there was a man in my bed and a few minutes later realized that I'm married to him and it's allowed :)

So there's some background on my sleep antics. Now to recap about the adventure last night. Aviannah woke around 1:00 wanting to eat. She never wakes up screaming but she always starts out by grunting and squeaking loudly and if I don't respond fairly quickly it turns into cries. So I was pulled from my sleep by the sound of her grunting. I instinctively reached for my glasses on my night stand, only to discover that they weren't there. Another thing you need to know about me is that I'm basically blind without glasses or contacts. My hand has to be practically smacking me in the face before it looks clear to me. So when I couldn't find my glasses in their regular spot I began feeling blindly around on the rest of my night stand. Sometimes they fall on the floor so I checked there too. Then I thought that perhaps when I took my contacts out, I never actually put my glasses on because I went directly to bed after. So I stumbled to the bathroom and checked my glasses case. Nope. Empty.  Aviannah was now crying and I knew I wouldn't be able to see to make her bottle, so I woke the sleeping husband. I explained my plight and he willingly joined in the search for my glasses while I held a very hungry baby. After a few minutes he found them in the middle of our bed, underneath the covers. We figured in my sleep I must've tried to put them on and missed and they ended up in the bed. Weird. Anyway. Fed the baby, went back to sleep. All was well.

I got up once more with her in the night and everything was as it should be. Fast forward to this morning. Aviannah joined me in the bed around 6:30 and we slept for another hour. Cassidy woke and I went to take her to the bathroom. That's when I noticed that my wedding rings were not on my finger! One more thing to know about me- I never ever ever ever ever ever ever take off my rings. Not to shower, not to do dishes, and not to sleep. So I immediately felt a bit panicky when I didn't see them in their usual place. My first thought was that perhaps they, like my glasses, were in my bed. But Aviannah was sleeping in there and I didn't want to wake her, so I very impatiently waited until she stirred then searched the bed like a mad woman. I thankfully found them very quickly, under the covers, just like my glasses were.

So I really have no idea what was going on in my head last night. I have no recollection of dreaming about taking off my rings or my glasses, but somehow they both ended up in the bed. I'm just thankful that my glasses didn't break and that my rings aren't lost! All's well that ends well! And yes, John gets a kick out of my nightly antics. But I'm not the only one who does funny things in my sleep. Like Wednesday night, when I came back to bed after a feeding, snuggled up to him and he growled at me...yeah...

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