Saturday 12 July 2014

4 Months

Aviannah is 4 months old today! I want to document what she's like at each month so I can remember and since I don't have a baby book yet (gotta get on that) I'm documenting it on here. We arrived home 2 days after she turned 3 months so this is her first month birthday at home!

-She smiles ALOT! Anytime anyone talks to her and smiles at her, they are usually rewarded with a big toothless grin. She saves the biggest smiles for John and I :)
- She is becoming very vocal. If she's happy and fed and dry, she loves to play on her playmat and just talk away. I've been working on teaching her the word "Mom" and it really does sound like she says it sometimes! 
- She can grasp toys with our help, not quite on her own yet, but she loves to hit at the toys that hang down from her playmat and watch them swing back and forth.
- She is starting to respond to her name. She also responds really well to the sound of my voice and John's voice. If someone else is holding her and we are talking, she whips her head around looking for us and when she sees us, she locks on and doesn't take her eyes off us. It's very cute!
- She is usually very content. She cries when she's hungry or wet (but what baby doesn't?) but other then that she's pretty happy most of the time. She does usually have some fussy time in the evening.
- She loves being outside! The fresh air usually makes her pass out.
- She is now eating 2 and a half to 3 oz. most feedings. She is still waking every 3-4 hours at night to eat. 
- She startles easily. If she is asleep and something wakes her, the bottom lip goes out and she screams! I try not to laugh, because the look on her face is too cute!
- She loves loves loves being naked. When she's up on the changing table she is so pleased. 
- She loves bath time. We lay her on a bath mat and put a warm washcloth over her and she is pleased as punch. The last couple times I've let Cassidy be in the bath with her as well and she enjoys watching her big sister.
- She still sleeps alot, but is having more and more awake time. She's started to be routine in when her awake times are. She is not on any kind of schedule yet.
- She is most happiest when she's being snuggled. This makes me happy!

I can't believe she's already 4 months old! Her adjusted age is more around 2 months, but she is definitely growing! We see the doctor again next week and I'm excited to hear what she weighs now. We love life with this tiny little darling!

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