Monday 14 July 2014


Right now Cassidy is watching a movie downstairs, Aviannah is playing contentedly on her play mat and I am watching her from the couch as the warm sunshine is streaming in through the windows...ahhh! Today is a good day!

It feels lately like both girls have been hitting some milestones around here! As I mentioned, we started night training Cassidy a little while back. So far she's been diaper free for 10 nights and... she hasn't wet the bed once! WHAT? I was completely prepared for numerous accidents and multiple loads of laundry but this kid is rocking it! For the first few nights, every time I got up with Avi, I'd also take Cassidy and put her on the potty. The first two nights she would go both times, but after that she'd go maybe once and then one night she didn't go at all! And then the same thing the next night, and the next night. Now I just go into her room, gently wake her and ask her if she needs to go potty. She usually says no and I leave it at that, because I know she can stay dry all night. Of course, this usually means a mad dash to the potty in the morning. She burst in on me this morning and yelled "I need to pee really really bad!" 
I am so proud of her and she is even more proud of herself! Honestly, this is one milestone that I am overjoyed we've finally reached! Considering how hard it was to day-train her, I was not looking forward to the night. She was day trained for a good 6 months before we started on nights. I know some people tackle both at once, but she struggled so much with day training that I didn't want to overwhelm her and I'm so glad we waited. She is obviously ready now, and I know she wouldn't have been ready then. We are definitely waiting longer to start potty training Avi. Live and learn!

We now have a crib in Aviannah's room. I bought some really pretty bedding off the buy and sell on Facebook and the nursery is complete! Last week I started putting her down to nap in her crib because I want her to get used to it before we make the complete switch (she still sleeps in the bassinet in our room). We've been finding that after her 5:00 feeding in the morning, it's difficult to get her back to sleep in her bassinet. She will sleep for maybe half an hour and then fuss, so I bring her into bed to sleep with me. I don't mind this, but I don't really want to get her into that habit either. The other day John's alarm went off at 6 and it woke her, and there was no going back to sleep after that. So lately I've started putting her to bed in her crib after her 5:00 feeding and she will usually sleep at least another 2 hours in there, if not more! I am ALMOST ready to move her into the nursery full time. Almost. It is just comforting to me to know that she is an arms reach away from me and she still seems so little to be out of our room, but I am really loving how well she sleeps in her own room, so we'll see how the next few days play out! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am already mourning the loss of her babyhood. I packed away her newborn clothes the other day and that was harder then I thought it would be. She's still teeny tiny so it seems ridiculous that I would be thinking about this already, but I know it won't be long and she'll be walking and talking. Although that stage is super fun too! Oh the conflicting emotions!

Speaking of baby, she's becoming not so content on her playmat, so that's all for now! Thanks for reading!

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