Saturday 7 February 2015


What a rollar coaster these last 2 weeks have been.

What started as a cold for Aviannah turned into a bad cough. She was diagnosed with a chest infection and inflamed tonsils and we were sent home with antibiotics. Over the next 5 days she did not get better. I was a wreck. We were barely sleeping and I just felt so helpless. She wasn't eating and was losing weight and she was just miserable. I didn't know what else to do for her. I took get back to the doctor on Thursday and this time they tested her oxygen levels which were low. Not low enough that it was noticeable but low enough that she wasn't expelling enough air which can cause problems. The doctor told me he was going to call the hospital and that they would likely send an ambulance for her. As soon as he left, I started crying. Partly because I was scared but mostly because I was so relieved. Finally someone was going to help her in ways that I couldn't.

We rode the ambulance to the ER which was actually pretty cool and waited a few hours in peds ER then she was admitted and we've been here for 2 and a half days now. We're going a bit stir crazy but honestly I'd way rather be here then at home. At least here if something goes wrong she gets ummeadiately attention and since we've been here she's improved a lot! Today she's been more agitated. The nurse comes in every few hours to take her temp (up the bum) and suck snot out of her nose, both of which she hates, so she has started crying everytime she sees them. She does not like her nasal canola and tries to pull it out but she's overall been so good!

John and I have also felt so well taken care of! My parents have been watching Cassidy and today she's going to John's parents for the night. We miss her terribly and we also think she has RSV too. She's been coughing since Wednesday and my mom said yesterday she was running around and then couldn't catch her breath for a few minutes. She keeps asking when we all get to be together again. I wish I could be in two places at once. My parents have also been bringing us food and this morning my dad came to sit with Avi and John and I drove out to Warman to get some more stuff. We got home to find Leesa, who is also sick, cleaning our house from top to bottom! I have not had time to give it a good clean since this awful sickness so that was such a blessing! It will be so nice to go home to a clean house. We've had family visit and countless people letting us know they are praying. We feel so loved. This very much feels like de ja vu from the hospital stay in Vegas, but better because we're home!

The biggest blessing by far though is our room. We have a very private room tucked away in a corner with no windows and a small door. We have a bathroom with a shower, a very comfy couch and a tv. I walked around the ward and checked out the other rooms and they are about half the size of ours with no privacy and many rooms have more then one patient in them. We got lucky to snag this one! We could get kicked out at anytime depending if there's a higher needs kid that comes in so we're enjoying it while we can!

If all goes well we can hopefully go home tomorrow! We love you all and are feeling the prayers!