Saturday 5 July 2014


Cassidy has been potty trained for a while but still wore diapers to bed and for naps. She was still waking up wet most mornings and we wanted to make sure she really had the daytime potty training down before we introduced the night. We figured now is the perfect time to do it, since I'm up multiple times during the night anyway! Yesterday she told me "Mom, I don't need to wear diapers to bed anymore," and I was all "Let's do this!" So we bought a waterproof mattress pad and last night she wore panties to bed! Both John and I took her once during the night and both times we were both scared as to what we'd find in her room. But the night was a success! We had told her before we put her to bed that we'd be waking her up to go potty in the night. She waltzed into our room this morning, proudly announced that she had stayed dry and then said "But you guys never came to get me!" So she obviously doesn't remember our little excursions to the potty :) We're off to a good start, hopefully it continues!

Aviannah is growing like a weed! I really can't tell by looking at her because I see her everyday, but most of her newborn clothes are too small and over the past couple days she's increased what she eats. She used to eat 2 oz. every 3 hours and now she is eating 2 and a half to 3 oz. every 3 hours. I'm hoping this means she will soon start sleeping in longer stretches too! I'm not even sad that she's already outgrown some really cute clothes, because I'm just happy that she is growing! She has had such a rough start to life, but she's a fighter! I can really tell that she recognizes John and I. If someone else is holding her and one of us say something she immediately whips her head around to where the sound of our voice came from. She is completely fine with anybody holding her, but it's cute how she locks onto us as if to say "Ok, don't go anywhere now ok?" I've been loving all the smiles, and we've almost gotten a laugh out of her. When she's happy, content and full she just babbles away. I thinks she likes life with us. I like life with her too.

My grandma's funeral was on Wednesday and I can't stop thinking about it. It was the most God honoring and beautiful funeral I've ever been to. There were two things especially that stuck with me. The first was the way that her children spoke about her. Most of my aunts and uncles (there's 12 siblings) did tributes or sang, and it was easy to see the love and respect they had for her. They had nothing but praise for her. My grandma invested so much into her children's lives and loved them uncondionally and they are proof of that today. Seeing this made me think about the kind of mother I want to be, and also reminded me of Proverbs 31:28- "Her children arise and call her blessed." The second was how much of a prayer warrior she was. I always knew my grandma took prayer very seriously, but I don't think I truly understood how seriously until her funeral. My one uncle, the youngest of the 12, mentioned that in the time he lived at home, he didn't remember single day when my Grandma wasn't reading her bible and praying in the morning. A few other siblings re-iterated this. My dad showed us her prayer cards. They were so worn and were crammed full with names (we have a big family!) He showed me how she had stuffed Aviannah's name in where our family's names were written. This brought me to tears. Even in her last weeks, when she was in so much pain, she still made sure the newest family member didn't go un-prayed for. There was nothing more important to her then making sure that all of our family will be in heaven together one day and she never stopped praying for that. I don't know today where everyone stands, but I will continue to pray that that request will be answered in full. I also have to say that I've never been prouder of my dad. He spoke the message at her funeral which I know was not easy for him, but he did it with grace and perfection and his strength amazes me. It was truly a beautiful celebration. Grandma would've been embarrassed with all the attention, but she deserved every beautiful word that was spoken. Her life inspires me to live a better life for Jesus.

Life is just so sweet right now, and my babies are going to grow up too fast so I'm trying to soak in these days as much as I can.


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