Sunday 22 June 2014

A New Name

Hello! It's been a while :)

Due to numerous requests, I have decided to keep blogging. I'm happy and humbled that so many of you enjoy reading my blog. I wondered how many people outside of my facebook friends have found this space, and I've learned that there is more then I thought. Pretty neat!

So...I need to change up the title. Obviously we are not on our journey to baby anymore. Baby is here! I'm really bad at thinking of creative titles, so please help me out! I've decided I'm going to use this space to share memories and stories about my girls, my marriage, to speak about what God's been doing in my life and to just write out my feelings and thoughts. That being said, what do you think I should call my blog?

We've been at home for a week now and it's been going great! The biggest thing I was dreading was my sleep filled nights being interrupted, but I haven't been as tired as I thought I'd be. I guess your body does just get used to a new normal. Right now, we're still trying to get Aviannah to grow as much as possible, since she's obviously behind, so we're letting her cluster feed if she wants and sleep as much as she wants. I don't have her on any kind of schedule and I'm ok with that. Even though she's technically 3 months old, her adjusted age is around 4-5 weeks. In some ways she acts very newborn. She is the size of one, she sleeps more then she's awake and she eats around the clock. And in some ways, I can see the older baby in her. She smiles ALOT (and not just little smiles, but big open mouth grins!), she coos and babbles, she can grasp toys and she seriously looked like she was going to roll over the other day! We see the doctor tomorrow, and I'm anxious to hear how she's doing. To us, it seems like she's doing fine, but I am really nervous that she's not gaining weight. I have noticed a few new rolls and her newborn clothes are getting a bit snug, so I'm sure she is, but you know. Just the normal new mom anxieties! We've had so many people that have got to meet her over the week and it's been great!

Many people have asked how Cassidy is adjusting and I'm happy to say she's doing fantastic! No signs of jealousy yet :) I'm trying to make sure I get in some time with just her and me, or don't forget about her in the midst of trying to meet the baby's needs. She's always been pretty independent and has never been very needy of me, so she handles this well. Although I think she's taking advantage of my distractedness and using it to get into more mischief then usual (and the usual is alot!) The other day she was eating breakfast while I was in the living room feeding Avi and she comes to show me that she decided to give herself a "bath" by dumping her water down her shirt. At least it was only water! She is very in love with her little sister. Her voice gets all high pitched when she talks to her and she loves to bring her toys and give her kisses. Watching them together is just as wonderful as I imagined it would be :)

My heart is so full. I often look at Aviannah and still can't believe that she's here with us. It seemed like the adoption process took so long, but now that she's here, it seems to have taken no time at all. We have our first post-placement visit this week. We need to have 6 of these over the next 6 months, and then the adoption can be finalized. Woohoo!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I've enjoyed "keeping up" with you guys and this whole process. An amazing story. Looking forward to hearing more. :)

  2. Awesome. I love reading blog stories. Glad u plan to continue so I can stay up to date with your new life and pics of the girls while I'm at the lake cuz there are alot of changes in 3 months.
