Sunday, 11 May 2014

Is It Monday Yet?

This weekend has been such a whirlwind of emotions. I feel so discombobulated right now (discombobulated is a fun word!) I wasn't able to get a hold of our agency on Friday which was super disappointing because it meant we've have to wait till Monday to know what's going on. We still have no idea about any details. I just want to go get her! Is it Monday yet?

At first I was just plain bummed and just wanted the weekend to be over with, but then I thought that this will probably be our last weekend as a family of 3, our last weekend at home before we leave for Las Vegas, and I wanted to soak it all in. So I did! Saturday was spent at home, mostly getting things organized for baby girl's arrival. We currently had the spare room upstairs which was the future nursery and the office in our downstairs room. Leesa (my sister) is moving into the downstairs room in the fall, so we moved the upstairs stuff downstairs and moved our office space into the family room downstairs. Then I started setting up the nursery. I have the glider, dresser with the change bad and an end table set up. I'm borrowing a crib from my sister-in-law, but we won't need that right away anyway. It was SO exciting to actually start setting it up, knowing that there was a real live baby that would soon be occupying the room! John and I also spent the weekend tossing baby names back and forth. We have agreed on a name and I love it! We even signed cards for our mothers with her name in it and it looks so good with John, Mandi and Cassidy :) Sorry, though! We're not telling until we see her, in the off chance that we decide to change it. Hopefully we can share soon!

Today was Mother's Day (duh) and we had such a great day with family. We spent the morning at church, spent the afternoon with my family and the evening with John's. I am so blessed to have two great families! It was wonderful to not think about the upcoming craziness and just focus on being with family and having fun together. Cassidy made me a sweet drawing and I got a flower and some chocolate as well :) Plus she sang me a happy mother's day song to the tune of Happy Birthday. It doesn't get any better then that! Today felt bittersweet. I loved celebrating with my precious Cassidy but it was hard knowing that my other babe was so far away. Even though we haven't met yet, I feel such a connection to her. 

One of my biggest prayers throughout this process was that when we got a referral, that if it was the child for us that we would feel the same peace we felt when we got the call about Cassidy. I had never been more certain of anything in my life during that time. As soon as we heard about Cassidy, I knew God had meant her for us and it was incredible to see how He had His hand in the whole process. I knew that I was going to need the same confirmation with this one. And, once again, He has given it to me. Both John and I feel with absolute certainty that this baby was meant for us and I have already seen God been working in mighty ways since we found out on Thursday. I did the math and figured out that the birth mother would've gotten pregnant with baby girl in July sometime, which was around the same time we started to begin the adoption process again. This just blows my mind! The whole time we were filling out paperwork, waiting, doing more paperwork, waiting, raising money, waiting, she was already forming and growing and alive! All of my desperate prayers to God were already being answered as she grew in her mother's womb. Amazing. 

All the love, support, prayers and well wishes we've recieved has been overwhelming and wonderful. I couldn't believe how many people took to Facebook to express their joy for us and this morning in church we were bombarded with hugs and promised prayers. I know for certain that your prayers are being heard and we are every so thankful for them. We do have one big prayer request right now. We need her citizenship papers to come before we can bring her back into Canada. Ideally it would great to have them before we head down, but we could also get someone to send them to us if they arrive while we are down there, but if you could pray that the gov't would work fast to get our papers to us. From what they originally told us, they should be here any day.

I'll probably be blogging more now, as we continue to find out more details. We're taking a laptop with us so I'll keep you all updated when we're in the States (and post a picture as soon as I can!) My parents are actually planning on coming down as well, which will be a HUGE help as we are taking Cassidy as well. John's boss is the best boss in the whole wide world and has no problem with John up and taking off with very little notice. My piano families have also been super understanding and have no problem with me having to cancel lessons for the next couple of weeks. 

And yes, Cassidy is very excited! Last night John took her to the park and she walked up to a complete stranger and proudly announced "I'm a big sister!" :) Today she insisted that I change her monkey's poopy bum on the baby's changing table. She's going to be an awesome little helper!

I should attempt to get some sleep (that's been not happening as much either). These darn butterflies in my stomach won't go away :) I don't mind one bit though!


  1. Hey Mandi! I'm so, so, so excited for you - I cry every time I think about it. This may seem silly, and I know you probably have a ton of stuff already for her, but I have a few of my favourite sleepers that we got for Audrey that I just haven't had the heart to pass along to anyone yet, but I keep walking past the bag and thinking that it's really silly for me to keep them because we're never going to use them again, and then they're just collecting dust or creating a future home for mice - as much as I'd love to believe they'll be just as beautiful if I keep them in a box for 20 years, I know they won't, so they really should be used! So, it's not a lot - we've passed along most of Audrey's baby clothes - but can I bring them to you sometime in the next month or two?
