Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Why I Think Valentine's Day is Awesome

Let's be honest. Valentine's Day gets a bad rap. Every year around this time my news feed on Facebook starts filling up with anti-Valentine's Day posts, mostly from single people. I get it, I really do. Valentine's Day is completely aimed at couples. It's about love, romance, mushy cards and chocolates. I was single once, remember? I remember looking at the lovey dovey couples around me and wishing I had someone to share that special day with. Now that I do, I still try to be sensitive to those that don't. We've all been there.

**Story: One year at Millar, I received a beautiful bouquet on Valentine's Day. My heart was pounding so hard as I opened the card and wondered if there actually was a guy that had noticed me and sent me flowers. Um, yeah. They were from my parents. Sorry Mom and Dad, but it was kind of a let-down!**

This is my 2nd Valentine's day as a parent and I must say that I have never appreciated it more as I do now. Now, all of a sudden, Valentine's Day becomes a reason to go out on a date. And, as you parents know, once you become parents that just doesn't happen as much anymore! When we were dating, every time we were together was considered "a date." Newly married, we tried to make a habit of going out on a date once a week. Then along came baby, and all of a sudden we were lucky if we could manage once a month. And that's why I think Valentine's Day is awesome. If nothing else, it's an excuse to go out on a date. I don't care any more if I get flowers or candy, or a mushy card. If I can get an evening away with no kid in tow, that is the best Valentine's Day ever in my mind!

*Disclaimer: I love my kid. But you know how it is!


  1. My Birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, so I always felt like the whole world was decorating for me! :) I KNEW that wasn't really true, but it still kind of felt that way... Most of my (even married) friends don't celebrate Valentine's Day in any way - and I get that too, but it's still special to me. I bought my daughters a small chocolate to have at their places at the table on Friday morning, and I bought Brian a book light that he had recently said he wanted. Not a really big deal - but just a good excuse to say 'I love you' to the people I love in a special way.
    I'll always love Valentine's Day, but I'll always tell my daughters that it's a 'holiday' about love - not necessarily for couples - and I hope they love it too!

  2. Oh, and I definitely get wanting to go out on a date! My Mom took the girls all weekend - for my Birthday and Valentine's Day, and it was AWESOME to wake up on our own on Saturday morning without hearing that (beautiful) little voice saying "I'm done napping!" Yes, we love them dearly, but a sleep-in sometimes, please? :)
