So we've officially been on the waiting list since the end of December. Almost a month now. I remember back when we were up to our necks in paperwork and I kept thinking "I can't wait until we're on the wait list. Just waiting will be so much easier then filling out what seems like all the forms in the world."
I take it back.
My dear husband told me the other day that I am the most impatient person he knows. While I think this may be a teensy bit of an exaggeration, it's probably not far from the truth. I've never been good at anything involving patience. And this? Waiting for a phone call telling us that someone out there wants to give us their baby? Um yeah. This involves more patience then has ever been required of me. But that's the beauty of Christ. He takes us through situations that He knows we can't handle on our own, then through our weakness we become strong through His strength, His power.
**Disclaimer: If you call me on the phone and I sound a tiny bit disappointed, please don't be offended. I love getting phone calls, but every time the phone rings I can't help wonder if it's THE ONE!
It really does feel nice that right now, nothing is required of us. We have no forms to send in, no payments to make, no nothing. It's funny because up until a few weeks ago, I was communicating with our agency almost daily, at least 3 times a week and since we've been on the wait list, there's really been nothing to discuss so I haven't talked to them in 2 weeks and it feels like forever! We should be getting an update on who's been viewing our profile in a couple weeks and I can't wait for that!
I keep telling myself that a month is a very short amount of time, and I never expected that we would hear anything in a month. I'm hoping by summer we'll at least have a date set, but even then I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It doesn't help that every. single. day. Cassidy asks me if we're getting our baby today. She knows we have to go on a trip to pick it up and this morning she told me "Mom, Daddy's at work but we can take Auntie Leesa's car to go get our baby!" (We're storing my sister's car in our garage while she's in Belize). Thankfully I just have to tell her that we're not getting the baby today and she is satisfied with that answer.
I didn't really have a point to this post, but it feels good to get my feelings out into words and I know many people who appreciate me keeping them in the loop. I am just appreciative of anyone who reads my ramblings! So yes, nothing new to report right now. I am already dreaming of the day when I get to tell you all when our baby is due!
Oh, I'm so here Mandi! Just yesterday the phone rang and the call display said Govt of Sask - heart stopper. But then it was the wrong number. Boo. I'll be praying for you guys as you wait!