Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Bake Sale

Our bake sale fundraiser is this Saturday!

If you are in the Saskatoon area, come check it out! It runs from 9:00-4:30 at the Legends Centre in Warman. I have been blessed to have a number of people help out with baking! We've got some yummy treats to sell. 
Here's a sampling of what we have at our table (yes, it's all home-made!)
-turtle chocolates    
-a variety of tarts
-almond bark
-a variety of cookies, including Oreo, shortbread and more!

There will be other baking items as well as what's listed above. We will be selling things in small and large quantities, including trays of assorted baking. We will also be putting together a large basket of assorted baking and raffling it off at $5 a ticket. 

Come check it out, and if you can't come, then pray for a successful day!

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