Thursday, 3 October 2013


What a day...

You ever have those days where you feel like you are just getting showered with little blessings- blessings that God knew you needed but that you weren't even asking for on that particular day, or thinking about, or praying was one of those days.

I'm a woman...and being a woman, my mind is often racing with multiple thoughts at once, most of them completely random and changing by the second (it's exhausting). Of course, there's been one thing that's dominated most of my thoughts over the past few months and that's our adoption. Some days I'll be doing normal, everyday things and I'll think about a baby, and what I would be doing if I had a baby at that moment, and butterflies will fill my stomach and I might even get a bit teary eyed....of course, these thoughts often lead to prayers. Prayers for our baby, for her birth mother, for the paperwork that still needs to get done, for the money...mostly for the money. 

Today I wasn't really thinking about our adoption much. Cassidy was in a mood and I had errands to run and we went to Mom and Tot time at the gym and I was just too busy to think- or pray- about it. I think God enjoys showing off to me when I least expect it. I checked my Facebook in the morning, like I sometimes always do, and I got an unexpected message from a friend. Her and her husband are also in the midst of the adoption process, have been for awhile. They were working with an agency in the States, but for many reasons had to switch to a Canadian agency. She told me that while they were still with their previous agency they had been fundraising through a group called Ordinary Hero. They had raised $800 with them. She had contacted them to let them know of their agency switch, and because they are not with an agency in the States any more, they were no longer eligible to receive the money.  
So she gave them our names and told them to send the money to our agency instead!
This blew me away!! Completely! I didn't even know what to say. $800 that they worked hard to raise, that they can't use for their adoption, that we get to use for ours. It doesn't seem fair to me, and yet I know this couple. They have huge, generous hearts and it doesn't surprise me in the least that they did this for us. What an incredible blessing!

THEN (if that wasn't enough) tonight I taught piano and one of my piano students came in the door and handed me an envelope. She said it was from her and her mom (who I used to work with at Warman Elementary). I read the note and it was a bunch of change they had collected for our adoption. After lessons were over I counted it up. It was all loonies and toonies and it amounted to $70! So to recap, today alone we received $870 for our adoption- and we didn't do anything!

So's been one of those days...and I am thankful. Thankful for good friends with generous hearts and for a God who knows what the future holds and who enjoys showing off to me :)

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