Thursday, 12 September 2013

More Fundraising...

I feel like I can breathe again...

The 2 weeks previous to this one were absolute madness. We had event after event. Praise in the Park was first on a Saturday, then that Monday started the week of DVBS that I directed, then the next week I started teaching piano again so I had prep to do for that, then that weekend was our massive garage sale. Whew! All very good things, and I was super SUPER blessed by all of them, but still. Busy. And now I'm fighting what I am scared may be strep throat. But at least life has slowed down a bit.

A bit..but not a lot. All our adoption paperwork got put on hold due to the madness and this week I have started at that again. We are THIS close to being done our homestudy! We have our medicals booked for next week (yay?) and after we get those forms signed, we can have our second and final meeting to hand in all the documents, then our wonderful home study practitioner does her thing and off it goes to Regina, then Nevada! Yahoo!! I have also started looking at how to make our picture book. I am super excited about this part, but also very nervous. Because some lady is going to look at our book and what is written and pictured in that book will help her decide if she wants us to raise her baby. That is no small decision! Prayers would be appreciated as we put the book together that we will say and show the right things. Most of all, I want this book to reflect how much we love Jesus. I want the woman giving us her baby to know that it will be raised in a home where Jesus is taught, loved and worshipped. 

Now that the garage sale is finished, it's time to start thinking about our next fundraiser. Thinking about it? I've already got details for you! Every year Warman puts on a Craft and Bake Sale. I bought a spot and we are going to be selling Christmas baking at the sale this year. It is on Nov. 16 at the Legends Centre (new location). Here's where you can help! I am looking for people wiling to do some baking for us for this event. It can be whatever you want to make, but preferably something Christmassy! If you would like to do some baking for us, please contact me by Facebook, email ( or phone (306-292-9427). I am aiming for LOTS of goodies to sell, so the more the merrier! And of course, all proceeds made will go to our adoption! 

Thanks again for all your support and just for reading my blog! I have really enjoyed blogging and I may have to keep it up once baby is here! 

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