Thursday, 26 September 2013

Why International Adoption?

So I know this blog is all about our current adoption journey, but I'm going to backtrack for this post and take you back to where it all began...

Since we've announced we're adopting again, and about the staggering amount of money we need to raise, we've had a few people wonder why we're choosing to go this route if it's so expensive. This is a good question! Cassidy's adoption cost us just over $5000 and we didn't need to fundraise. So why this way? To explain, I need to back to the start.

John and I started looking into adoption as soon as we were married, since we knew the process was lengthy and likely wouldn't happen right away. This was about ALL I knew on adoption, so the first place we went to for information was the Adoption Support Centre in Saskatoon. We met with a lady who explained to us all about adoption and it's different facets. We learned about 3 different kinds of adoption: private, domestic and international. Here's a rough definition of each of them.
Private: adopting through a private agency or having someone approach you and give you their baby. 
Domestic: adopting through the government of the province you live in. 
International: adopting from another country.

Saskatchewan is the only province (sadly) that has no private adoption agency. All other private agencies in Canada require you to be a resident of their province to adopt with them, meaning we would have to move. We seriously considered this for a time. We had friends that moved to Alberta to adopt but found out they were pregnant so moved back home. We prayed about this but really felt this wasn't where God was leading us. We had just bought a house that we loved and didn't want to leave our family and church behind. We were told the chances of meeting someone that wanted to give us their baby was slim. It happened, but not often (and as you already know, that's exactly how we found Cassidy! God's plan is perfect!)

We decided to fill out the application to be put on the list for domestic adoption in SK. Because this is all done through the government, there are absolutely no costs. Also because of this, the list is LONG. We specified we wanted a child from 0-1 year of age. This is what most people want and we were told we could be waiting for 10+ years or it could never happen. We've been on the list for over 2 years now. We decided to be more proactive and pursue an adoption that could happen in the next few years.

This left us with international adoption. We researched lots of different countries and found that although each country had different rules and regulations, the costs seemed to be the same all across the board, ranging from $30,000-close to $60,000! We decided to look into adopting from the United States. We knew flights wouldn't be as much as to other countries and we wanted a newborn. The States was the only country that adopted out babies this young. We had the form and had begun to fill it out when Cassidy popped into the picture! 

So that brings us to now. We waited until Cassidy's adoption was finalized (which took a lot longer then expected) and picked up where we left off with pursuing an adoption from the States. We are still on the list with domestic adoption in SK and of course, another private adoption like Cassidy's is always a possibility, but it's not something we can actively seek out. I hope this explains why we're choosing this route, even though it's so expensive. I've asked our central authority why agencies charge so much and the sad news is, they don't need to but they know people will pay for it. It's all a money grab scheme. 

We've been saving since we've been married and that, along with what we've been given and have raised so far, puts us at $15,700 right now. We still need another $20,000 to reach our goal, but we are off to a good start. We aren't able to take out a loan since we're maxed out on our mortgage so we are relying on friends and family and of course, our great big God, to help us raise the rest! It's a big amount of money, but God is bigger and He's teaching me to trust Him! 

Please, if you have any other questions about our adoption or adoption in general, don't hesitate to ask. I am by no means an expert on all things adoption but I would love to share more of what I've learned! 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

More Fundraising...

I feel like I can breathe again...

The 2 weeks previous to this one were absolute madness. We had event after event. Praise in the Park was first on a Saturday, then that Monday started the week of DVBS that I directed, then the next week I started teaching piano again so I had prep to do for that, then that weekend was our massive garage sale. Whew! All very good things, and I was super SUPER blessed by all of them, but still. Busy. And now I'm fighting what I am scared may be strep throat. But at least life has slowed down a bit.

A bit..but not a lot. All our adoption paperwork got put on hold due to the madness and this week I have started at that again. We are THIS close to being done our homestudy! We have our medicals booked for next week (yay?) and after we get those forms signed, we can have our second and final meeting to hand in all the documents, then our wonderful home study practitioner does her thing and off it goes to Regina, then Nevada! Yahoo!! I have also started looking at how to make our picture book. I am super excited about this part, but also very nervous. Because some lady is going to look at our book and what is written and pictured in that book will help her decide if she wants us to raise her baby. That is no small decision! Prayers would be appreciated as we put the book together that we will say and show the right things. Most of all, I want this book to reflect how much we love Jesus. I want the woman giving us her baby to know that it will be raised in a home where Jesus is taught, loved and worshipped. 

Now that the garage sale is finished, it's time to start thinking about our next fundraiser. Thinking about it? I've already got details for you! Every year Warman puts on a Craft and Bake Sale. I bought a spot and we are going to be selling Christmas baking at the sale this year. It is on Nov. 16 at the Legends Centre (new location). Here's where you can help! I am looking for people wiling to do some baking for us for this event. It can be whatever you want to make, but preferably something Christmassy! If you would like to do some baking for us, please contact me by Facebook, email ( or phone (306-292-9427). I am aiming for LOTS of goodies to sell, so the more the merrier! And of course, all proceeds made will go to our adoption! 

Thanks again for all your support and just for reading my blog! I have really enjoyed blogging and I may have to keep it up once baby is here! 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Count Your Many Blessings, Name Them One by One!

We sang the song "Count Your Blessings" in church this morning, and the words really struck me. We really are truly blessed. We live in a beautiful country where we have the freedom to worship without fear of persecution, we have a roof over our heads, food in abundance, clean drinking water, I could go on and on. It's so easy for us to look at what someone else has and feel envious and I admit it happens to me a lot, so this song was a good reminder that I am truly, richly blessed and I need not take it for granted. One way I am feeling especially blessed today is with the success of our garage sale!

I never realized how much work a garage sale is! I suppose this is because I've never put one on myself, but just "helped" my parents when they had them (Helped being used very loosely!) We asked for donations and boy did people respond! We had more then we knew what to do with (a very good problem!) We spent a lot of prep time in the garage sorting, organizing and pricing before the big day. Then of course there was the work of hauling all the tables and boxes out Friday afternoon, back in for the night, back out Saturday morning and then taking all the stuff away once it was over.

Before you think "Wow, I can't believe they did all that themselves!", we didn't!! There is a multitude of people I need to thank for their time and help to us! Thanks to my friends Kirsten and Amanda who came to hang out with me and help price stuff ahead of time, thanks to Janie who came over Friday after lunch and helped me haul out the tables (the book table was HEAVY!) Thanks to my sister in law Alicia and her wonderful boys who made cookies and iced tea to sell. The boys were so generous and gave all the money they made to help us get a new cousin for them :) And a big thanks to both our sets of parents and my grandparents. Both our moms and my grandma did a lot of baking, which sold extremely well and fast, and they all came to help us set up, John's parents helped us put everything away Friday night and my parents and grandma came and helped us clean up everything on Saturday. Your help did not go unappreciated! You were a huge blessing to us! 

Of course, the sale would not have been successful without stuff to sell and people to buy it! Thank you to EVERYONE who donated to us! We were overwhelmed with how generous people gave (although I'm sure they didn't mind us helping them get rid of their stuff!) And thank thank thank you to everyone who came and bought something (shout out especially to Lynnette Klassen!) Something happened again and again during the sale and it never failed to amaze me. People who we didn't know, but who saw our sign and what we were fundraising for, stopped to talk to us about our adoption. I of course do not get tired of telling people all about it, but what amazed me was their excitement for us. Complete strangers who did not know us were genuinely excited for us and wished us well. This blew me away! With all the evil and depravity in this world, it was wonderful to see the kindness shown to us by strangers. I hope we were able to be a little piece of Jesus to them.

So, when all was said and done, we made just over $1200!!! My goal was to reach $1000 so I was super pleased with what we raised. God is good and gave us great weather and a great turnout of people. A good fundraising kick start! A few people have messaged me wanting to support us financially and asked me for our address. If you feel led to give to us and would like to do that, our address is Box 1801
                                                    Warman, SK   S0K 4S0
Also, if you would like to send us an email money transfer (I just discovered this, it is so cool!), our email is
I always get uncomfortable asking for money, but we really do need financial help with this adoption. Please pray about it and if you feel led, we really do appreciate your support! You are leaving a wonderful legacy for our child!

I'm going to end this long post (I know, I ramble) and leave you with some pictures from our sale! Thanks for reading!

Everything set up and ready to sell sell sell!

Two of my handy helpers

Cousins at their iced tea/cookie stand!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013



Friday September 6 from 3:00-8:00
Saturday September 7 from 9:00-3:00

401 7th Ave N

***Toys, Games, Books, DVD/VHS, Puzzles, Kitchen Items, Craft Supplies, Sports Items, Home Decor, Clothes for all ages, Shoes, Purses, Stuffed Animals, Bicycles, Office Chair, Mirror, Bookshelves, Scooters, Sandbox, Wagon, Accordian, Filing Cabinet, Lawn Decor and plenty of fresh baking!***

*We will also be accepting donations*

Well friends, we are ready for our first big fundraiser! John and I spent our Labour Day labouring in the garage and now everything is priced, organized and set out on tables! Our garage is still stuffed to the brim but at least it's an organized mess now! The coolest thing is we've already made $140 and it hasn't even started yet! That's thanks to some friends who stopped by and "pre-ordered" :) We are very excited about this weekend and hope you can stop by and check it out! We would appreciate prayer for nice weather and for a successful sale!