Thursday, 1 August 2013

Quick Update

Hello all! So things are moving along nicely! I got an email from our agency the other day saying that they have received our application (YAY!) and we just had our first home study visit tonight, which was wonderful! The same lady who did our home study with Cassidy is doing this one as well and it was wonderful to visit with her again. She was quite happy to see Cassidy again and to see how well she's doing. 

I am so thankful that we already have one adoption under our belt going into this one. I am so relaxed about this and just excited, and yet I know I would be completely overwhelmed if this was our first. It's a different kind of adoption and their are different unknowns, but at the stage we're at it's nothing we haven't done before, which makes it so much easier. 

Our garage is slowly piling up with stuff to sell at our sale in September! People have been so generous in donating items and I have a lot more stuff that I know is coming yet! The tentative date for our sale is Friday Sept 6 in the evening and all day Sat, the 7th. I'm super excited about it! 

Summer feels like it's flying by, can it really be August already?? We have a busy month planned with two weddings in different provinces, Praise in the Park and DVBS at our church that I'm directing. Yikes! I like being busy though, and it'll keep my mind off of BABY because that's all I can think about most of the time. I wish we were further along in the process already, but I know that with every step we're getting there and it will all happen in God's time. Patience has never been my strong suit! 

We appreciate the prayers and support! Keep it up!

Love the Letkemans 


  1. So glad everything's going well! Are you doing a DVBS in Sutherland? That's a perfect location for kids Ministry - I'm so glad you're doing that!!!

  2. Yep!! I'm super excited about it. I'm planning on handing out tons of flyers around the neighborhood. There's tons of kids around, so I hope we get lots!
