Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Life Update

The house is quiet, all the kids are either napping or in school and I just feel like writing. I really love writing. Did you know it's my secret dream to someday write a book? Not a novel, I don't have the brain creativity for that, but I would really like to write my life story down. Not that I think it'll get published, because who cares about my boring little corner of the world, but just for me, and my kids, and my grandkids because that feels special, and I love writing and God has done some pretty cool things in my life thus far and I'm fairly certain He's not finished with me yet. 

Anywho, in case you do actually like to read about my boring little life, here's a little life update. Maybe I should make this a monthly thing? Contrary to popular opinion, January actually went by super fast for me. For some reason, every year as soon as January is over I think "Phew, the worst is over. Spring is on the horizon." But alas, I always forget about February. Sneaky little February, it sounds so pleasant because it's a short month, and it's Valentine's Day month, yay for love and hearts and kisses, but February is BRUTAL. It always has been. In my memories on Facebook, every February someone is sick in this house. Avi ended up in the hospital with RSV in February 2015. And it's always cold. Like colder then January. And this year especially. I was telling John around Christmas time how this has been such an amazing winter and I could actually like winter if it was like this all the time. The weather was so mild, the kids would go out to play every day and I took the babies for afternoon walks, or I'd go myself in the evening and the hoarfrost was so dreamy and there really is a lot of fun things to do in the snow if it's nice enough. I was loving it! But yeah, reality check, winter sucks. It's been a hard couple of weeks. It's been too cold to go outside and everyone has been sick since literally February 1st. We've all taken turns with colds and then flu. All of us and all of my daycare kids and some of their parents as well have been struck down. I think we're finally (please) on the tail end of it and I'm really hoping for some warm(er) weather soon so they can get outside. Avi has really loved playing outside this winter and she's been super sad that she hasn't been able to go out lately. Her teacher takes them outside every afternoon at school if it's nice enough (what a saint!) and every day lately when I pick Avi up the first thing she says is how sad she is that they couldn't go outside. I find this so funny because last summer she much preferred to stay indoors, and would often play in the house by herself while the rest of us were in the yard. What a weird child! So we'll see how she is this summer. And she's the one that was born in Las Vegas, where it's always warm. I guess she was meant to be a Canadian girl! 

Apart from the weather and the sickness, we're doing good! I am loving doing daycare so much! I love that my girls get to meet and make new friends and I hope they look back on these days fondly, remembering all the chaos and love and laughter that filled the house when Mom was doing daycare. I love getting to know all these wonderful little people and to be a happy place for them to learn and play and grow. It was something I never thought I would end up doing, but I can see myself doing it for years to come. I always planned to go back to work once Avi was in school full time but now I think I might just keep doing daycare. It's also neat to see how God has always provided me with a child when I have a spot to fill and I have the most amazing families that I get to work for! They are the best and I feel so blessed. Up until now I've only been able to take as many kids as can fit in my vehicle since I have school drop offs and pick ups to do but next year Avi will be in Kindergarten and will ride the bus with Cassidy, so I won't have the need to drive anywhere so I can expand if I want which is also exciting. Especially in these last few weeks, it's been such a pain to have to bundle everyone up and be in and out the door all day so I'm looking forward to not having to do that next year. 

So 2019's been pretty good so far. Nothing too exciting on the horizon that we know about but life is always full of surprises! Right now I'm most looking forward to summer, road trips and not having to wear a jacket.