Here we are again, staring down the end of another year. It's been a great year! Here's the highlights from the Letkeman house:
January- Aviannah learned how to count to 10
-John's birthday. I honestly can't remember what we did to celebrate!
February- Leesa and I road-tripped to Canmore for Jill's bachelorette weekend! I got to try cross country skiing for the first time and it was so fun!
March- Aviannah turned 3 on the 12th
- Cassidy turned 6 on the 30th
- We had a joint birthday party for the girls with both sides of our families. The house was packed and the girls were very well loved on
- I got to go along on Cassidy's field trip to a gymnastics center
April- Cassidy had a birthday party with friends.
- Cassidy lost her first tooth!
- The girls started swimming lessons and both loved them
May- Cassidy started soccer for the second year and did awesome! She improved so much from last year
- I planted my garden, also the second year. Unfortunately it did not do as well as last year
- Highlight of the year- I celebrated my upcoming 30th birthday in Disneyland with Leesa, Jill and Pam. We had the best time! Good weather, good company, good food and lots of walking!
June- We attended Cassidy's kindergarten graduation.
- Cassidy had her last day of kindergarten and was declared ready for Grade 1!
- Aviannah got accepted into the Pre-Kindergarten program at the new elementary school.
- We took a weekend trip to Swift Current to visit my grandparents in their new place. Not quite as long of a trek as it took to visit them in Texas!
July- Cassidy learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! She had a great summer speeding around and getting more and more confident.
- I hosted a 5 day club at my house for a week. We had a great turnout!
- Another highlight- Eric and Jill's wedding in Sylvan Lake! This was our big holiday of the summer and it was so wonderful! The girls loved being flower girls!
August- My birthday. The May celebration was my big party and John and I just had a low key date night
- We went camping for the weekend in Waskesiu. We had great weather!
- Aviannah FINALLY learned how to use the potty
September- Cassidy started Grade 1 and loves going to school every day
- Aviannah started Pre-Kindergarten and also loves school!
- I took in 2 new day care kids, first only part time and then full time. They have been an awesome fit and I've loved getting to know them!
October- Our park got a new makeover which was very exciting!
- The girls were super heroes for Halloween
November- John and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary with a quick overnight getaway.
- We had an early Christmas with my mom's side of the family before my grandparents left for Texas
- Aviannah learned her ABC's and learned how to write her name
- I was involved in a drama with our church
December- We decorated for Christmas!
- The girls performed in the Sunday School Christmas program. Cassidy was Mary and Avi was a sheep!
- Cassidy also performed in her school Christmas program.
- We are excited to celebrate Christmas with both our families!
This is such broad summary of our year. I could easily go into more details but I don't want to turn a blog post into a novel! Of course, in between all these "big" moments of 2017 were all the little, ordinary, everyday, arguably more important stuff. I'm just enjoying these days so much. Our life is busy, very very busy, but we've gotten pretty good at enjoying the moments as they happen. The girls are growing so, so fast. We are so in love with them and with this life!
We are looking ahead to 2018 with anticipation and excitement! God has, as always, been so faithful and good to us. Merry Christmas and God's blessings on you and yours this Christmas!