-Cassidy is approximately 44 inches tall and somewhere between 45-50 pounds. She's a super healthy girl and rarely gets sick and when she does it never lasts long. Even with preschool this past year, she's managed to escape all the sicknesses going around school.
- Speaking of school, she absolutely L.O.V.E.S. preschool. She asks every single day if today is her preschool day. She goes for 2 hours 2 days a week but I know she could handle more. I told her the other day that when she goes to kindergarten she will be there for a whole day and asked if that was ok. Her response was a very enthusiastic yes! I get to be parent helper once a month so I've been able to watch how she does in a school setting and I am just SO proud of her! She is such a good student! She sits quietly and listens well at circle time, she follows commands without complaining and is kind to her friends. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right!
- Her attitude has really improved over this past year. She never really throws huge tantrums anymore and has just generally matured so much. She is very kind (for the most part!) to Avi and Levi, although of course she has her moments! She's still a kid, after all.
- Her love language is definitely quality time. She is always asking me to play with her, and even if I played with her lots during the day, she will still often tell Daddy "Mommy didn't play with me at ALL today!" in a very exasperated tone. She has a great imagination and loves making up games to play.
- She is getting more into drawing and writing. She has almost mastered writing her name (those darn S's are tricky!) and is actually starting to draw real things instead of scribbles. I love the way she draws people, the arms come out of the head, yet there is still a body and legs. She also loves crafts and is always asking me for craft ideas (I am horrible at crafts, so I'm thankful she gets this outlet at school!)
- She is such a perfect mix of girly girl and tomboy. She asks to wear "spinny" dresses every single day and loves to play princesses and tea party, but also loves exploring outside, climbing trees and searching for bugs. At school she'll play dolls with the girls one day and pirates with the boys the next. I love it!
- She has a knack for memorizing things. She gets a new verse to memorize in Sunday School every week and it never takes her long to learn it.
- She also seems to be musically inclined. She likes to play a game with me where I'll sing a note and she'll try to match the pitch. We will go through a whole bunch of different pitches and she usually gets it bang on. She also loves making up songs and surprises me with the things she comes up with. I'm going to start teaching her piano in the fall, I'm hoping she does well with that too!
- She is playing soccer for the first time this spring and is beyond excited! She practices every day and received soccer cleats for her birthday. I can't wait to watch her!
Cassidy's Favorite Things:
Food: same as Avi, candy. But other then that, Kraft Dinner
Toy: her Barbies
Game: Hide and seek (she likes to count and for me to hide. I am all over that! I hide somewhere really hard and get at least a few minutes of peace!)
TV Show: Paw Patrol (I can never get the theme song out of my head)
Color: Pink
Friend: Iyla
Song: Jesus Loves Me
Book: Elephant and Piggie books (they are my favorite too!)
Animal: Giraffe
Movie: Veggie Tales
Things Cassidy Doesn't Like:
-eating foods she doesn't like
-getting her hair washed/brushed/done up (basically anyone touching her hair in any way)
-quiet time (Mommy demands it)
-"the little kids bugging me" (I hear this multiple times a day)
-cleaning up
-time outs
Cassidy's Nicknames:
-Diddy (what Avi calls her, we've gotten into the habit of calling her it too)
-Diddy Kong (what "Diddy" naturally turns into!)
-Diddy (what Avi calls her, we've gotten into the habit of calling her it too)
-Diddy Kong (what "Diddy" naturally turns into!)
-Freak (we call Avi this too. It's said with love)
-we never call her Cassy, which I think is interesting. I often wondered when she was a baby if we would naturally shorten her name. I figured if we did, it would be Cassy. We did naturally segue way into a shortened name, but it's Cass. We call her that 85% of the time.
- there's more, but these are the most common
I keep saying it, but every age just gets better and better! I'm so looking forward to the new adventures a 5 year old will bring! Cassidy is just the best little person ever and I love seeing the person she has become and am looking forward to watching her continue to change and grow. She made us parents and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl to give us that life-changing title. We fall more in love with her every day!
Happy Birthday Cassidy!