Thursday, 3 September 2015

Bye Bye Summertime

It`s been 3 months since I've been on the blog. Definitely not intentional, and I don`t know if I'll pick it up at all. When I started I was writing more for you then me, to keep you updated on our adoption journey. Now I'm writing more for me then you, so I can look back here later and be reminded of what life looked like then. I suck at keeping a journal and typing is WAY better, faster, and neater then writing so this blog is my journal, I guess!

Summer 2015 is over! It was awesome and I really do feel like I made every moment count. Summer is my favorite season and I always find myself in a period of mourning when it's over, but I don't this year! Believe it or not, I am looking forward to fall. I went through both girls clothes yesterday and traded summer clothes for fall clothes and it made me almost giddy, thinking about cozy oversized sweaters, boots and scarves. You will NEVER find me wishing for winter though. I hope we get a nice long fall this year.

This summer was absolutely wonderful! My favorite thing about summer this year was the free evenings. During the school year I teach piano Wednesday and Thursday nights and Tuesday night is worship team practice at church. Mondays and Fridays we intentionally leave open but they always fill up too. Our church doesn't run worship teams through the summer and I don't teach then, so that left all our evenings open and it. was. glorious. Every night after supper John and I would be like "So what are we doing tonight?" That we even had that option was so refreshing for me! Next week both worship teams and piano starts up again so this is my last week of freedom and I am making it count! 

Some highlights from this summer:
-My sister, some friends and I did a 5K at the beginning of July. It wasn't your typical run, it was chalk full of obstacles and foam! It was called Foam Fest and it was SO much fun! I am not a runner at all, so this was perfect for me, as there was an obstacle every 100 feet or so and we just enjoyed it as a group and didn't worry about doing it fast. Definitely doing it again next year!
-I was a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding at the end of July. She lives in Manitoba so I was out two weekends in a row, for the bachelorette, then we all drove out for the wedding. I so enjoyed the wedding weekend, especially the night before when us girls spent the night at her place. We've lived apart for a few years now and I've missed her so much and being able to spend time talking face to face was wonderful! The wedding was beautiful, the weather was HOT and I never danced so hard in my life! 
- During August long weekend we went to a nearby beach for the day. We never did do an overnight camping trip this year, so we figured we needed to squeeze at least one day in at the beach. It was the perfect day for it and the girls had so much fun in the water and the sand. 
- I directed VBS for the third year at our church mid-August and it was a blast! That week was also a scorcher and our church has no air conditioning but we all survived, no one got sick, and we had a great turnout. I'm especially excited because my parents invited their neighbor's son (non Christian family) who came and had a great time, and his family has been in church every Sunday since then! My biggest goal was to reach the community and even that one family coming has made it all worth it!
-And the BIGGEST highlight of the summer came at the end! John and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage in November (what?) so we wanted to do a special trip. We decided to go to Banff during the summer, when the weather would be nicer. I've never been and John hasn't since he was a kid so we were both excited! We left the girls with my parents for the first chunk and John's parents for the last day. We were gone 5 days which is the longest we've ever left either of them, so I was definitely nervous but they did so awesome and we had the best time. We hiked and ate and walked and ate and spelunked (highlight!) and biked and ate and shopped and slept and it was just wonderful! We also got along so well and didn't argue the whole week! Not that we argue a lot anyway, but I was impressed with how well we got along. We talked about our honeymoon and where we were then and now and we really have changed alot in 5 short years. It really does get better every year and I'm so thankful that I have such an amazing husband to do life with!

So that was summer! Now it's fall, and along with that comes more change! Cassidy starts preschool next week (2 afternoons a week) just down the street from our house. Tomorrow morning we go to meet her teacher. She is ecstatic about it and I am too! I'm pretty sure I won't cry on that first day, but I guess we'll see! I can't wait to see her grow and flourish over this next year! Avi is THIS close to walking (she's been taking a few steps today) so I have no doubt she'll soon be busier then ever. Levi comes two days a week and he is so much fun to have around. Leesa has been living with us for a year and is starting her 2nd year of university. She is such a big help to have around. I'm kinda hoping she'll stay forever! (mmkay sister?) 

That was a big update, but that's where we are now! Who knows when I'll get around to blogging again, so thanks for reading and see you when I see you!